

This is the website for the House of Parliament Visitor Centre.14_BKGY_20150804-153640_ILCE-7R_DSC06173_rw

The Visitor Centre was established to present the treasures of the House of Parliament in a fitting environment. The Visitor Centre is truly a communal space, one where visitors can enjoy an educational experience while they wait in comfort surrounded by quality services.

We invite you to keep posted on the latest news at our website

We look forward to seeing you.



Official site of ticket sales

Please be advised that the official site of the Office of the National Assembly for ticket sales is www.jegymester.hu/parlament.
We assume no liability for damages (such as overpriced or counterfeit tickets, refusal to refund upon cancellation of booking, etc.) arising from tickets purchased thorough other websites.
Richiamiamo la Vostra attenzione che il sito ufficiale per la vendita dei biglietti dell’Ufficio del Parlamento è: www.jegymester.hu/parlament.
Non rispondiamo per i biglietti acquisiti su altri siti, così come per i danni causati da essi (per es.: biglietti troppo costosi o falsi, rifiuto del rimborso in caso di disdetta, ecc.).
Обращаем ваше внимание, что официальной интернет-страницей Администрации Парламента Венгрии, предназначенной для продажи билетов, является www.jegymester.hu/parlament
Мы не несем никакой ответственности за билеты, приобретенные на других сайтах, и за ущерб, причиненный ими (например, за завышенные цены или за поддельные билеты, за отказ в возврате денег в случае отмены покупки и т.д.).
Les informamos que la página web oficial dedicada a la venta de entradas para el Parlamento es la www.jegymester.hu/parlament.
No podremos asumir ninguna responsabilidad por entradas compradas a través de otros sitios web y los posibles daños causados por ellos (precios excesivos, entradas falsas, denegación del reembolso en caso de cancelación, etc.).
Nous attirons votre attention sur le fait que www.jegymester.hu/parlament est le site officiel de vente des billets d'entrée de l'Office du Parlement.
Nous déclinons toute responsabilité pour les dommages causés par des billets achetés sur d'autres sites web (qu'il s'agisse de billets vendus à des tarifs frauduleux, de billets falsifiés ou de billets dont le remboursement est refusé en cas d'annulation).

Social Media


Hereby inform you that on 3rd October from 11.30 a.m. and all day on 4th October 2024 due to an official programme the Parliament building is not open for visitors, the Visitor Center is closed.
Hereby inform you that on 30th September 2024, from 10:30 a.m. due to an official programme the Parliament building is not open for visitors.